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Horse shoes perth

Pinjarra Alumina Refinery was commissioned in 1972 and as one of the world’s largest alumina refineries. It produces approximately 4.7 million metric tons each year.

Pinjarra refinery is supplied bauxite via an overland conveyor from the Huntly Bauxite Mine east of North Dandalup. The refinery is located within the Shire of Murray in the Peel region south of Perth, Western Australia (WA).

Approximately 1,160 employees and 330 contractors work at the refinery, with an estimated 60 per cent of employees living in the local Pinjarra and Mandurah communities.
Pinjarra refinery’s contribution was approximately AU$188 million into the local WA community through salaries, wages and benefits and AU$600 million in WA supply contracts.

In 2021 the Pinjarra refinery invested approximately AU$535,000 in local community partnerships in Pinjarra, Mandurah and surrounding communities along with further in-kind contributions.

All WA mining and refining operations have earned certifications from the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, which is validation of our commitment to responsible and sustainable production and working with stakeholders to deliver long-term value.

Since 2008, Alcoa and Alinta have partnered to operate two cogeneration power units at Pinjarra refinery, delivering energy efficiencies and significant greenhouse gas benefits.

The refinery has had a worm farm and composting facility since 1995. Some 80 tonnes per year of organic waste from Alcoa operations is turned into vermicast, ‘worm wee’ and compost for use in refinery gardens.

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Pinjarra Alumina Refinery

(08) 9531 6611

South West Highway
Pinjarra WA 6208

We are committed to talking with, and listening to, the communities near where we operate and where our employees live. This helps us understand concerns and expectations, identify opportunities, minimise potential impacts from our operations and maximise benefits.
We see our approach to community engagement as a powerful vehicle for mutually beneficial solutions that balance our company’s strategic objectives with community needs and desires.

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